Defense is the #2 Economic Sector in North Carolina
Defense is the #2 Economic Sector in North Carolina
BEST State in the Nation for Business
LARGEST Manufacturing Workforce in the Southeast
TOP TECH Talent Markets in the Nation
Top-Notch Tech Innovation Ecosystem
North Carolina boasts a top-notch thriving innovation ecosystem that offers the biggest research park in North America. The state is ranked number two of five tech hubs in the nation and is home to a large, diverse STEM-savvy workforce.
Significant industry investments in dual-use technology, combined with world-class research universities continue to make the State attractive to innovators and investors.
The Frontline of the Future
With the fourth largest active-duty military population, a healthy defense sector, and trusted partnerships among DoD, industry, and academic communities, North Carolina continues to attract collaborators across the nation.
All of this is underpinned by a state-wide, expansive commitment to national defense, low costs of doing business, excellent infrastructure, and superior quality of life. We have been ranked the best state for business three years in a row. This is North Carolina - the Frontline of the Future.
Defense Impact on NC Economy
Defense is the 2nd largest sector of North Carolina’s economy - $66B/yr
$6.1 B in federal prime contracts awarded to NC companies in 2020
Military-trained workforce: approximately 20,000 service members transition in NC annually

Photos Credits: U.S. Army Photo, Seaman Gwyneth Vandevender, Heather Wilburn, Photo by Staff Sgt. Andrew Mallett