Honor Veterans By Hiring Veterans

Honor Veterans By Hiring Veterans

Honor Veterans by Hiring Veterans

Our North Carolina military population of 100,000 women and men transitions approximately 20,000 “career ready” veterans into the workforce annually. These veterans are educated, trained, and experienced leaders with security clearances. Our military veterans are an exclusive population with personal and professional attributes that make them a very important component of our North Carolina workforce. Employers gain great value in honoring veterans by hiring veterans. “Honor Veterans by Hiring Veterans” is an acknowledgment of the attributes of military veterans and an employer call to action. Today’s veterans and military spouses represent a pre-screened segment of our nation’s population who possess unique “work-ready” attributes. Honoring veterans acknowledge their service to the nation while highlighting their education, training, and work experiences. The call to action is simple, “Hire a Veteran” and benefit from their attributes and experiences.

Veterans Are Career-Ready

Military veterans in today’s all-volunteer force are at the cutting edge of the information age, with high-tech applications across a broad human and program spectrum. The military operates in a STEM environment that ranges from cybersecurity to robotics to forensics. Virtual training applications are common in building and sustaining individual resilience (readiness) and form an important part of the education, training, and certify the military culture and readiness process. Today’s military places a high premium on civilian education, funding civilian education, and directly linking education to enlisted military promotion. The military focus on education, performance-oriented training, and virtual training make transitioning veterans an impressive population to enter the North Carolina workforce. Honor Veterans by Hiring Veterans!

Educated and Performance-Oriented

Military veteran work and leadership experience are transferable to the civilian workforce…Honor Veterans by Hiring a Veteran. The military includes occupational specialties that correspond to over 100 civilian jobs. Military career experience is directly transferrable in many areas including health, logistics, and management. All military specialties include leadership, management, and problem-solving competencies that translate into civilian career opportunities. 

North Carolina for Military Employment

North Carolina for Military Employment (NC4ME) is a unique public-private organization committed to educating employers and connecting veterans and military spouses to employment. Our North Carolina military and veteran population are an invaluable component of the next-generation workforce and NC4ME provides an important bridge connecting employers and military veterans.  Honor Veterans by Hiring Veterans illuminates the skills of military veterans and the value they provide to the workforce.  


Photo Credits: US Army Photos, U.S. Air National Guard photo by Master Sgt. Michael Matkin, U.S. Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Victoria Ross, U.S. Marine Corps photo by Staff Sgt. Gabriela Garcia/Released, U.S. Army Photo, U.S. Army Photo